my take on pork & fennel sausages


Casting about for something to cook tonight, I thought fondly of the rather nice pork-&-fennel sausages that we’d had (courtesy of the local supermarket’s butcher) a week or so ago. Then I fished a 500 g pack of sausage meat and another of pork mince out of the freezer to thaw. And this is what I did with them.

  • Cut the crusts off 3-4 slices of bread & then cut the slices into cubes (or tear them into small pieces; it doesn’t matter which).
  • Put them in a bowl with an egg, a couple of Tblsp milk, a good grind of salt & pepper, and a slosh of soya sauce. Stir to mix.
  • While that mixture is soaking into the bread, peel a red onion & chop it finely, before adding it to the bowl with 2 tsp fennel seeds.  Stir it all together – the bread should be all soggy & starting to break up.
  • Then add the pork mince and the sausage meat (I had 500 g of each, but the exact ratio probably wouldn’t matter too much) and work everything together with your hands until the meats and seasonings are very well mixed.
  • Divide into even portions – I got 14 sausages from that quantity but you could make them fewer & larger, or smaller & more, as you wish – and form into sausage shapes before rolling each in dry breadcrumbs. You’ll find it easier to work with the meat mix if you keep your hands wet.
  • Then fry gently on all sides until cooked & golden.

We had them with fresh, thinly sliced green beans (with a knob of butter atop) and a warm potato salad dressed with a mix of equal amounts of mayo and sour cream, 2-3 Tblsp of vinaigrette, salt & pepper to taste, and finely-chopped garlic chives.

And had Granma’s chocolate log to follow  😀

2 responses »

  1. And here I was thinking you had a sausage machine and were using skins to do it the professional way! Will definitely have to give these a go now you don’t need all the bells and whistles!!

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